Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tom Hamilton, Scot Wink, Joel Harris win 400-yard bullseye matches

We had almost perfect conditions Sunday, June 19, at our 400-yard bullseye matches. There was a light breeze, with little humidity and moderate temperatures. Twenty-eight targets were shot.

.223 Class:
1. Tom Hamilton from Curwensville
2. Tom Hamilton
3. Linda Soliday from DuBois

.30 Calibre Class:
1, 2, & 3. Scot Wink from Curwensville

Unlimited Class:
1. Joel Harris from Reynoldsvile
2. Mike Soliday from DuBois
3. Rick Stanko from Sheffield

Match note:
Joel Harris, the unlimited class winner, was packing up after warm-ups because he could not get sighted in at 400 yards. Walt Kuzemchock suggested that we take him to the 100-yard range and see what was going on. After several shots, and several clicks, he took the center out of the target. Joel went back the match and beat his friend, Mike Soliday. Maybe Mike should have told him to go, "Just one more click".

- Reported by Tom Hamilton

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