Monday, January 31, 2011

Matt Hamilton bags 2nd trophy buck in 2 years

Lt. Matt Hamilton harvested this buck on Thanksgiving day while archery hunting in Kansas. This is his 2nd trophy buck in 2 years. The buck was a 10 point, 20" spread and 16" high.

Matt has just received an appointment to the next Captains Career Course, after a recommendation from his commanding officer. He and his family will be moving to Fort Leonard Wood, MO in April and will begin school the first week in May. After completion of this course, October 2011, he will be promoted to the rank of Captain and will have a Maters Degree in management.

This will put him in line for a Battalion Commanders spot, one of the most sought after positions in the Army.

- Tom Hamilton

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Santa's reindeer rests before his big day

This 4X6 elk was bedded down in the front yard of my camp, The Hamster Cage, a few days before Christmas. I had my grandson, 2-year-old Benjamin, with me and he got all excited seeing one of Santa's reindeer resting up before the big day.

- Tom Hamilton

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Time to go home and take the day off!

"Yesterday morning was opening day of season for deer.  As I approached my deer stand, I decided to go home and mow grass instead."

- Unkown would-be deer hunter in November 2010

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Anderson Creek Sportsmen
Meeting Minutes
 January 8, 2011

Meeting was called to order by Jeremy Smith at 7:40 p.m. on January 8th, 2011

The December minutes were presented by Randy Mitchell and approved on a motion by Joel Dutra and Don O’Dell . The treasurer’s report was presented by the George McCoy and approved on a motion by Andy Shaffer and Shannon McKee.

Old Business
Andy Shaffer reported that the tractor has been repaired and the cost will be $500. The cab and the loader had to be removed to get to the brakes. Several seals were replaced and 2 fuel leaks were repaired. Randy Mitchell and Andy Shaffer installed the chains and delivered the tractor back to the club.

The board met and formulated a new alcohol policy for the club. No alcohol will be allowed on the ranges at any time, no alcohol is permitted at the club during any matches and the hosting member will be responsible for the conduct of any invited guests at the club. Charles Bungo made a motion to adopt the new rules as an addition to the by-laws. After a discussion it was decided that the new policy will have to be presented in written format as a by-law addition.

Charles Bungo agreed to draft the addition and present the formal version at the February meeting. Members are reminded that the $30.00 dues are now being collected, tickets are available for the March drawing and members are encouraged to contact George McCoy for any additional money owed for points.

New Business
Marty Hrin made a motion to renew our membership in Pennsylvania Wildlife Habitat Unlimited and the motion passed on a Roger Thomas second. Members are reminded to contact Jeremy Smith to volunteer to man the table at the Grice Gun Shop show on January 29th and 30th.

A discussion was held concerning purchasing a wood stove versus a propane stove, it was decided we will watch for a used wood stove for next year and continue to use the current stove for now. Bryan Brubaker stated that we will have to eventually replace the oil furnace which is just about worn out. Don O’Dell stated that John Bloom has some porta-potties for sale that could be used at the range. He thought the price was $250 but will check on the price and availability.

Charles Bungo won the $10.00 50/50 drawing.

Roger Thomas made a motion to adjourn and Don O’Dell seconded the motion.

- Respectfully submitted by Randy Mitchell. Secretary.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Matches goverened by IR 50-50 Rules

Classes of Competition:
Sporter ( 6 1/2 x scope limit)
Unlimited I
Unlimited II
Squirrel Gun Match Following IR 50-50 Matches------------Club Rules

Typical sporter-type squirrel gun
10x scope limit
No heavy barrel

Rimfire Match Schedule

May 22 - 10 a.m.

June 26 - 10 a.m.

July 24 - 10 a.m.

Aug. 28 - 10 a.m.

Sept. 25 - 10 a.m.

Oct. 23 - 10 a.m.

Range opens at 8 a.m. on match day for sighting and practice.

Matches start at 10:00 a.m. SHARP!

1 gun------$ 8.00
2 guns-----$15.00
3 guns-----$20.00
4 guns-----$25.00

QUESTIONS/DIRECTIONS--------------contact Jim Johnston (814) 236-1414

Monday, January 3, 2011

Tom Hamilton made this photo of the dock at the pond on the club property on Monday, Jan. 3, at noon.

Nice shot, Tom.  Very Nice.