Wednesday, October 7, 2020

September 2020 Meeting Minutes

Anderson Creek Sportsmen
September 2020 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Tom Hamilton at 7:30 p.m.

There were no minutes from the August meeting. George McCoy presented the treasurers report and was approved on a motion by Walt Kuzemchock and a second by Dave McNeel.

Match Reports
The Ground Hog match had 20 shooters and the Deer rifle match had 18 shooters.

Old Business
Marty Hrin sold his snow plow and will not be able to plow this year. Andy Shaffer volunteered to plow with the tractor and Randy Mitchell volunteered as his back up. Due to the high cost of lumber and a very busy work schedule, Don Odell will be rebuilding the dock next year. Members are reminded that  raffle tickets are available for the annual drawing. Members get 1 point for every 10 tickets that they sale.

New Business
The PH of the pond is at 6.5 which is good but would benefit from lime. After a discussion Charles Bungo made a motion to purchase 13 tons of lime from the Curwensville feed store at a cost of 455$. Andy shaffer seconded the motion. The lime will be applied to the fields after the Chukar Hunt. Andy Gibson made a motion to purchase Flex Seal to repair the canoe and the motion passed on a Breck Neeper second. Tom Hamilton will look for grates to replace the worn out grates in the woodburner. The 200 yard winter matches have been scheduled for January, February, March and April. There will be a work party at 10:00 on Thursday 9/14 to clear brush and trees on the 200 yard range.

Greg Yutzey won the prize drawing.
Ken Straub made a motion to adjourn and it was seconded by unanimous voice vote.

Respectfully submitted by Randy Mitchell secretary.