Friday, April 6, 2018

March 2018 Meeting Minutes

Anderson Creek Sportsmen
March 2018 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Tom Hamilton at 7:30 p.m.

The November minutes were presented by Randy Mitchell and approved on a motion by Steve Strouse and a second by Joe Mitchell. The treasurer’s report was presented by George McCoy and approved on a motion by Jeff Kriner and a second by Dave McNeel.

Match Report
Steve Strouse reported that the winter matches on  March 12th had 12 shooters.

Club Dues of $50.00 are due now.

Old Business
The fishing derby is scheduled for June 9th and we still need fishing rods for the giveaway. Tom and Karen Hamilton will be supplying the hot dogs and Ed Spencer will be supplying the drinks. Jeremy Smith has organized the Lake Raystown fishing trip raffle fund raiser for a new trap machine. Tickets are available and are 10$ a ticket. Charles Bungo suggested we watch for a thrower from the Philipsburg Trap Club to become available. They are top of the line voice activated throwers. We received a thank you card from the Clearfield Library for our book donation in Dudley Shimmel’s name.
New Business

2018 dues are now due and are $50.00.

Do not forget to turn your clocks back ahead an hour tonight. Tom Hamilton has had a schedule change at work and some of the meetings he may not be able to attend. The fuel was checked and we have plenty left for the year. Stay off of the grass until the yard dries out to keep form curtting up the lawn. When you done and you are leaving the club make sure the lights are turned off.  Tom Hamilton made a motion to pay the NRA dues for 5 years at $175.00 and Mike Solida seconded the motion and the motion passed. If you want to attend the 2nd amendment rally in Harrisburg in May, contact Grice’s gun shop for a bus reservation. A discussion was held concerning the effect on open carry that Tom Wolfe’s declaration of an opioid abuse state of emergency.
Randy Mitchell made a motion that we buy 50 5” window stickers for 5$ each and the motion passed on a James Johnston second. 
Alan Lucas won the door prize.
Joel Dutra made a motion to adjourn and Don Farbo seconded the motion.

Respectfully submitted by Randy Mitchell secretary.