Monday, October 13, 2014


These are the results from the Anderson Creek Sportsmen's Club 400 yard deer target match held Sunday, October 12th.

Unlimited Class:
  3 way tie for 1st,
     Tom Hamilton of Curwensville
     Jeff Gates of Altoona
     Craig Meyers of Duncansville

Factory Class:
  1st Walt Kuzemchock of Frenchville
  2nd Tie:
      Ron Bailey Sr of Marsteller
      Bob Huston of Dunois

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Stupid is as stupid does (part 2)!

Once again we had someone shooting at and damaging the the target holders on the 1/2/3/400 yard range.  The regular target frames were damaged by shots, a clip was damaged and cardboard was left hanging on the holders. USE the practice frames,which are to the right of the regular frames, that is why they are there!  Pick up your trash when you are done shooting!

October 11th, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Anderson Creek Sportsmen
October 11th, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Tom Hamilton at 7:30 p.m.

The September minutes were presented by Randy Mitchell and approved on a motion by Joel Dutra and a second by Dr. Charles Bungo. The treasurer’s report was presented by George McCoy and approved on a motion by Bob Huston and a second by Wayne Hicks.

Old Business
Walt Kuzemchock reported the new format for the silhouette matches was very popular with 5 shots in ½ hour at 100, 200, 300, 400 yards. Bud Ellis has installed the new furnace, fuel oil tank and heat runs, and has installed a new heat run to the gun room with the help of Steve Beretsel. The Chukar Hunt went very well.

New Business

Breck Neeper made a motion to buy 55 gallons of fuel from George McCoy for $2.50 per gallon and the motion passed on a Shannon McKee second.  We need a volunteer to help organize and run the winter league.  The winter league will use the IBS format. We had another case of someone using the target holders for practice and causing damage to the frames and the clips.  Members are reminded to not use the regular target holders for practicing but to use the practice holders to the right of the regular frames. Tom Hamilton said purchasing a safe for the club will be too expensive and that a safe deposit box is available At Clearfield Bank and Trust for 15$ per month. After a discussion Joel Dutra made a motion to keep any important papers in an upstairs room and to install a lock on the door. The motion passed on a Scott Brubaker second. A discussion was held concerning Chronic Wasting Disease and the impact on local hunters. Raffle tickets will be mailed to any members who have not picked up their tickets. The regular drawing will be held at the November meeting and the members only drawing for a Remington 700 in 260 caliber will be held at the December meeting. Bryan Brubaker made a motion to allot money for office supplies for George and Randy and the motion passed on a Bryan Brubaker second. Joel Dutra all members to vote in the upcoming election.

Roy Mahlon won the door prize.

Bud Ellis made a motion to adjourn and the motion was seconded by James Johnston.

Respectfully submitted by Randy Mitchell secretary.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

September 13th, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Anderson Creek Sportsmen
September 13th, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Tom Hamilton at 7:30 p.m.

The July minutes were presented by Randy Mitchell and approved on a motion by Joel Dutra  and a second by Jerry Witherow. The treasurer’s report was presented by George McCoy and approved on a motion by Shannon McKee and a second by Steve Beretsel.

Old Business
Walt Kuzemchock reported he had no shooters for the deer rifle match and no shooters for the silhouette matches. He will change the format with targets placed at 100, 200, 300 and 400 yards and the shooters will have ½ hour to shoot 5 shots. The first match will be 9/21/14.

New Business

Raffle tickets are available from Walt Kuzemchock and any members not picking up tickets will receive them in the mail. Plans are being made for a winter 100 yard league match competition for January, February and March. If interested please contact Tom Hamilton. Marty Hrin made a motion that we do not renew the safe deposit box and the motion passed on a Joel Dutra second.  Tom Hamilton will get prices on a safe for the club. Tom Hamilton started a discussion about remodeling the bathroom this winter. Over the Labor Day weekend someone placed and shot clay pigeons on the 100, 200, 300 and 400 yard target carriers. Members are reminded to use the practice holders for practicing and to avoid damaging the regular target holders. A discussion was held concerning reserving the grounds during holiday weekends. Bryan Brubaker made a motion to donate $100 to the Grampian Penn Bloom fire department. The motion passed on an Andy Shaffer second. There was a tree stand placed between the 100 and 200 yard ranges, due to safety concerns the members unanimously agreed to ask that it be removed. The members only drawing will be for a Remington 700 in 260 caliber.

There will be a Chukar Hunt  on 9/28/14. If you want to attend please contact Tom Noble by the 9/21/14 so he can make preparations. The cost is $40.00 per person.

?? won the door prize.

Steve Wagner made a motion to adjourn and the motion was seconded by Bud Ellis.

Respectfully submitted by Randy Mitchell secretary.