Sunday, December 13, 2015

November 2015 Meeting Minutes

Anderson Creek Sportsmen

November 13, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Tom Hamilton at 7:30 p.m.

The October minutes were presented by Randy Mitchell and approved on a motion by Scott Brubaker and and a second by Breck Neeper. The treasurer’s report was presented by George McCoy and approved on a motion by Shannon McKee and a second by Ken Straub.

Match Results
The last Groundhog match of the year had 9 shooters. The winter league matches are scheduled for 1/9/15, 2/13/15 and 3/12/15.
Old Business
Joe Mitchell and Ken Straub have resided the eastern side of the club house. Jeff Kriner has installed a new flue in the shooting room. The pond has been limed. Dave McNeel volunteered to winterize the building. The leveling rod at the 200 yard range was shot and the 100 yard range will need new 2x4’s and backers.

New Business
Members are reminded that they need to sell and return the tickets for the raffle prior to the 12/19/15 drawing.  The members raffle was held and Shannon McKee was the winner. The Grice’s Shooters sale will be held 1/30/15-1/31/15. Tom Hamilton, Walt Kuzemchock, Steve Strouse and Jeremy Smith have volunteered to man our table and more volunteers are encouraged to help. Andy Chimenti volunteered to explore the cost of a traditional web site. Joel Harris questioned our tax status for the year and we will have to review the issue with Greg Yutzey.  A discussion was held about filling the fuel oil tank and after review the tank is already almost full.

Joe Shaw won the door prize.
Steve Strouse made a motion to adjourn and Steve Beretsel seconded the motion.

Respectfully submitted by Randy Mitchell secretary.