Tuesday, May 8, 2018

April 2018 Meeting Minutes

Anderson Creek Sportsmen
April 2018 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Tom Hamilton at 7:30 p.m.

The March minutes were presented by Randy Mitchell and approved on a motion by Joel Dutra and a second by Steve Strouse. The treasurer’s report was presented by George McCoy and approved on a motion by Breck Neeper and a second by Wayne Hicks.

Match Report
Walt Kuzemchock reported that the matches will start in May. The 400 yard frames will need some repairs.

Old Business
The fishing derby is scheduled for June 9th and we still need fishing rods for the giveaway. We now have 8 bikes for the kid’s drawing. Tom Noble will make arrangements to get the worms for bait. The drawing for the Lake Raystown fishing trip raffle fund raiser for a new trap machine organized by Jeremy Smith will be held at the May meeting. The tickets are available now and are 10$ a ticket. There has been no additional news on pricing or availability of a new trap machine. The Philipsburg Gun Club is fighting their closure and it may drag on for quite some time.  Randy Mitchell reported the decals should be available for the May meeting. We ordered 20 white, 20 orange and 10 green and they will cost $5.00 each.

New Business
Andy Shaffer made a motion to approve the purchase of lumber for the 400 yard range, and the motion passed on a Don Farbo second. James Johnston volunteered to arrange for the porta potty to be cleaned out. Andy’s Sawmill contacted the club and is interested in select cutting the trees on the club property. The members voted to not have the property select cut. Carl Huss will be contacted to get his advice on the value and selection of trees that can be harvested. We have 2 openings on the roster due to Mike Frisco and Gary Stewart choosing not to remain as members.

Bob McClure won the door prize.
Dave McNeel made a motion to adjourn and Jeremy Smith seconded the motion.

Respectfully submitted by Randy Mitchell secretary.