Our 2nd annual "Kill Phil" match is coming up on Saturday, February 8th.
As always, the public and club members are encouraged to participate.
976 Viaduct Road, Box 37, Rockton, PA 15856 <> Dedicated To Promoting the Welfare of Wildlife and the Shooting Sports <> GPS Coordinates 41.038303, -78.648720
As always, the public and club members are encouraged to participate.
The winners of our annual raffle are;
1st Ed Sugarbear Spencer
2nd Kerri Payne
3rd Grey McCoy
Robert Deitrick
$50 winners are;
Steven Strouse
Jim Wonders
Mike Solida
Lillian Witherow
Orrie Manners
Andy Shaffer
The club would like to thank everyone that supported us during our fundraiser.
We held our first Winter Groundhog Match of the year on Saturday, 1/11. There were 18 shooters in attendance.
The Custom Class winner was Jack Balon of Ebensburg, second was Stu Smith of Reynoldsville and third was Austin Sass of Olanta.
The Factory Class winner was Caz Silvis of Brookville, followed by Dean Brosious of Punxsutawney.
Jeremiah Keefe, of Hastings, won the side group match with a 5 shot group at 200 yards that measured .853".
Pictured are; Brosious, Keefe, Silvis, Balon, Smith and Sass
Facilities include:
- Five-room farmhouse;
- Lighted 100 -200-yard IBS-regulation outdoor shooting range with enclosed shooting benches and loading area;
- 100, 200, 300 and 400-yard outdoor range with 10 shooting positions covered by a roof;
-Three-acre pond reclaimed and supporting bass, panfish and other aquatic life.
- Trap shooting range with enclosed trap house;
- Outdoor IR 50/50 rimfire benchrest range with roof-covered shooting benches