Thursday, October 29, 2009


Daisy and I were out walking this morning and saw him or her up a tree across from the SOI in Clearfield!

Photo by Sonya Johnston, forwarded by Linda Smith Dale, who adds:

"Never know what you'll find in East End."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

IBS 100-Yard Rife Match Results

Results from the 100-yard IBS Rifle Match on October 17:

1st place - Steve Strouse 251-2x
2nd Place - Brian Allen 251-1x
3rd Place - Rob Long with a 23-0x

Varmint for Score
1st Place Jamie Eazor, with a 271-13x
2nd Place - Ron Bailey, 267-9x
3rd Place - Joe Cowan, 267-8x

- Submitted by Brian Allen
Anderson Creek Sportsmen
October, 2009 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Jeremy Smith at 7:30 p.m. on October 10th, 2009

The September minutes were presented by Randy Mitchell and approved on a motion by Roger Thomas and a second by Jim Johnston. The treasurer’s report was presented by Jeremy Smith and approved on a motion by Andy Shaffer and a second by Bud Thomas.

Old Business
A motion by Dave McNeel and a second by Jerry Witherow was approved to purchase 20 tons of lime for the fields at a cost of $26 per load and $24 per ton for a total of $532. A motion by Charlie Bungo and a second by Andy Shaffer was approved to buy tractor chains and chain tensioners for the tractor for approximately $285. Walt Kuzemchock and Greg Yutzey are working on our application for becoming a tax exempt organization.

New Business
Randy Mitchell has revised the food committee list and all members are encouraged to check to see when they are required to supply food for the meetings. Members are reminded that the club cannot be reserved after October 1st of the year. The club is to remain open for all members to sight in and use the grounds for hunting.

Jeremy Smith made a presentation on his Iberdrola Wind Turbine visit to Schuykill County Pa. and their request for us to sign a 5-year $5,000 good neighbor lease. A motion by Charles Bungo with a second by Walt Kuzemchock was approved to have discussions concerning the lease proposal at the November and December meetings and have a vote on the proposal at the January meeting.

A discussion was held concerning preparing the club house for the winter, antifreeze for the bathroom and draining the pump. Bryan Brubaker will service the furnace. Randy Mitchell will arrange for fuel for the furnace.

The water quality report from Mahaffey Labs was reviewed with very good results. Arrangements were made for a presentation table at the Grice Gun Shop Sale on January 30th and 31st in order to better advertise our matches for 2010. Davey Tree Company sent a letter explaining the trimming of the power lines on our property.

A motion by Charles Bungo with a second by Dave McNeel was approved to have a gun raffle, with the drawing to be held in February. Tom Hamilton and Dave Francisco will make the arrangements for the tickets and the prizes. A motion by Tom Hamilton with a second by Charles Bungo was approved to renew the small games of chance license. A motion by Tom Hamilton with a second by Bob Huston was approved to have a members only drawing.

Match Reports
Jim Johnston reported the rimfire match was down to 23 targets. Dave Coudriet, Harp McNeel and Dave McNeel were winners. Walt reported 49 targets were shot for the deer rifle match with Joel Dutra, Bob Kingsbury and Harp McNeel as winners. The next deer rifle match is scheduled for October 11th.

Walt Kuzemchock and Tom Hamilton are planning an April deer rifle match for 308 caliber guns all shooting the same 168 grain bullet supplied by the club. The chukar hunt had a very light turnout of only 14 hunters. Jeremy Smith raised and supplied the birds for the hunt. There was no IBS match report. The match results are posted on the web site.

The $10 50/50 was won by Roger Thomas.

Tom Hamilton made a motion to adjourn with a Dave Francisco second.

- Respectfully submitted by Randy Mitchell secretary.
The last 22 Rimfire Shoot for 2009 was held on 9-27-09. The weather was cold, wet, and even colder. Despite the weather we had a good day with food, hot coffee, and good friends. The competition was very close as usual with the shooters we have attending our shoots.

1. Jim Peightal 244-8
2. Marty Hammond 240-6
3. Marc Coleman 239-9

1. Marty Hammond 248-11
2. Bob Shotts 244-14
3. Dave Coudriet 243- 8

1. Jim Peightal 249-7
2. Marty Hammond 248-8
3. Marc Coleman 247-12

1. Harp McNeel 235-8
2. Marc Coleman 235-4
3. Dave McNeel 234-7

Sorry that this report is so late, My fault--been busy!!!

Two items of business to share with you:

First: Keep watching this site for our 2009 class champions. The scores have not been totaled yet but they will be posted here sometime before years end.

Second: Also keep watching after the end of the year for the 2010 match schedule. It will be posted on this site.

Finally, Thanks to everyone that attended our events in 2009. It is something that I look forward to each time. What a great bunch of guys and even greater competitors.

Everybody have a good off season, hunting, holidays and New Year.

See you in the Spring.

- Jim Johnston

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What a Moose!

This picture was taken at Elliott Lake, near Sault Ste. Marie, Canada .

By the length of his beard and the grey legs, he must be over 10 years old. He looks to be well over 8 feet at the top of the shoulder hump, and with his head up the height to the top of his antler must be about 12 feet.

This guy is king of the forest, no bear or pack of wolves would dare
come after him when he has this rack......Considering that a dirt road can fit 1 1/2 cars across ... this fellow is HUGE ...THIS IS ONE BIG BOY!

Yes, it is a regular size dirt road.

- Submitted by Tom Hamilton