Tuesday, August 11, 2009

400-Yard Deer Rifle Match Results

AUGUST 9, 2009

The day started out wet, and ended up hot and windy, with the scores extremely close.

Forty-six targets were shot, and we had our first female competitor. Nancy Armstrong, wife of club member John Armstrong, had a very good showing. John's son, Scott, was home on leave from the Air Force and also shot in the match, placing in the Unlimited Class. The results:

Deer Rife Class
1. Dave Coudriet, Wallaceton
2. Tom Hamilton, Curwensville
3. Tie - Tom Hamilton and Joel Dutra, Grampian

Factory Varmint Class
1. Tie - Brian Allen, DuBois, and Scott Wink, Curwensville
3. Brian Allen

Unlimited Class
1. Tie - Jeff Gates, Altoona, and Ron Bailey Sr., Marsteller
3. Tie - Jeff Gates, Ron Bailey Sr., Scott Armstrong, Rick Stanko, John Armstrong, Jim Baum

As you can see, the Unlimited Class is very competitive and the scores close.

- Reported by Tom Hamilton

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