Anderson Creek Sportsmen
December 2017 Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order by Tom Hamilton at 7:30 p.m.
The November minutes were presented by Randy Mitchell and approved on a motion by Joe Mitchell and a second by Anthony Moore. The treasurer’s report was presented by George McCoy and approved on a motion by Breck Neeper and a second by Steve Strouse.
Match Report
Walt Kuzemchock reported that the deer rifle matches ended in October and attendance was down for the year. Steve Strouse reported that the winter matches will be held 12/30, 1/6, 2/3, and 3/3 . The matches will start at 10am and have will use specific targets for 22, 6 and 30 caliber.
Old Business
Jeff Kriner organized the liming of the fields, and 3 fields were limed. There are now 30 tickets available for the January raffle. Randy Mitchell has reorganized the food committee list. If you have any issues with your month please contact him at Marty Hrin will have information about the new thrower prices at the January meeting.
New Business
Jeremy Smith is organizing the fishing trip raffle fund raiser for the new thrower and will have more information when the plans are finalized. The Grice Sale will be held on 1/27/18, and we need volunteers to man the table and to sell tickets for our fund raiser.
Randy Mitchell will renew the Small Games of Chance License which expires in December. Ed “Sugar Bear” Spencer won the members drawing Kimber Hunter Rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor with ticket number 28.
Tom Noble won the door prize.
Jeremy Smith made a motion to adjourn and Alan Lucas seconded the motion.
Respectfully submitted by Randy Mitchell secretary.