Saturday, August 30, 2014

Silhouette match changes

Due to a low turnout at the last Sniper Silhouette match we held an impromptu pick up match with the members that showed up to help.  Targets were placed at 100, 200, 300 and 400 yards.  Each member kicked in $100 in a winner take all match.  We started at the 400 yard target and continued firing 5 shots at each target, no sighters in between each range, till all 4 targets had been shot.  Joel Dutra won when he edged out Mike Solida by 2 points.
  This format of hanging all 4 targets and competitors needing to be able to adjust for the different yardages on the fly worked very well.  We will be doing this for the remainder of the Sniper matches, except for the $100 dollars.  Match fee will still be the standard $10.

Stupid is as stupid does!

Once again we had someone shooting where you shouldn't.  Clay pigeons were in the target holder clips at the new 100 & 200 match target frames.  USE the practice frames, that is why they are there!  Also, there were several targets laying on the ground.  Pick up your targets when you are done shooting!
Tom Hamilton

Saturday, August 9, 2014

August 2014 meeting

Anderson Creek Sportsmen
August 9th, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Tom Hamilton at 7:30 p.m.

The July minutes were presented by Randy Mitchell and approved on a motion by ScottBrubaker and a second by Bob McClure. The treasurer’s report was presented by George McCoy and approved on a motion by Tom Noble and a second by Ken Straub.

Old Business
Walt Kuzemchock reported he had 5 shooters for the deer rifle match and 17 shooters for the score matches. Andy Chimenti and Andy Gibson have repaired the shed roof. The new coffee pot has been purchased. The Small Games of Chance License has been renewed until October 2015. Raffle tickets will be available at the next meeting for the November general drawing and the December members only drawing. We still need somebody to volunteer to manage the IBS matches for next year.
New Business
A non-member was on club grounds and admitted that they had received the combination to the gate lock. The combination has now been changed and the members are reminded to not give or allow a non-member to have the combination.  The new combination is available from any officer of the club.
We are interested in forming a winter 100 yard league match competition for December, January and February. If interested please contact Tom Hamilton.
A discussion was held concerning remodeling the bathroom. Tom Hamilton will explore costs and present more information at the September meeting.
George McCoy reported the part needed to repair the tractor is $170.00. George McCoy and Jerry Witherow are looking at possibly making their own replacement part.
There will be a Trap Shoot / Steak Feed on 8/24/14. If you want to attend please contact Tom Noble by the 17th so he can order steaks.
We send our sympathy to Nick Prave for the recent passing of his wife.

Dave McNeel won the door prize.
Bud Ellis made a motion to adjourn and the motion was seconded by Breck Neeper.

Respectfully submitted by Randy Mitchell secretary.
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