Wednesday, December 19, 2012

President's Year-End Message

As this year comes to an end, I want to thank the membership for all of the hard work that was accomplished this year. We rebuilt and repaired backstops, removed the over growth at the pond, had a very successful fishing derby, got work started on the outside of the club house, had a lot of junk removed from the property, almost 90% of the members sold tickets for a very successful raffle, our tractor had a lot of repairs made to it and the list goes on.

  We do need to take a moment and remember the loved ones that were lost this year. This includes Steve Bertsel’s dad, Jeremy Smith’s dad, Bob Huston’s wife and member Steve McClure. Our thoughts and prayers are still with them and their families.

  This coming year presents several opportunities to contribute to the good of the club. Brush and trees need to be removed along the driveway as well as the 100, 200 and 400 yard backstops. The club house needs the outside finished, repairs are needed in the ceilings in the shooting and bench rooms as well as a good cleaning in the spring and a redo of the restroom to make it more “female friendly”. The old .22 range, bench area needs all the vegetation removed from inside the enclosure and target holders need rebuilt. We will need to go around the pond to make it ready for the 2nd Annual Fishing Derby.

  In addition to the above suggestions, I want to encourage members to take the initiative to do work around and in the club. If you see something that needs done, go ahead and do it. If it is something that requires money or help, bring your idea to the meeting so it can be approved.  Also, if you have a story or pictures that you would like to put on our website, send them to our web master so the rest of us can enjoy them.

  It is important to note that the number of young people who are starting to hunt and fish, in Pennsylvania, has fallen drastically over the past few years. We need to get youngsters involved in outdoor sports, experiencing the fresh air and see that there is a world beyond the television and video games. One way to encourage this, would be to take a kid out and let him or her snap pictures of what they see in the outdoors. With the camera technology we have today, it is a very inexpensive way to introduce kids to the outdoors and have a way to share what they observed with others.
  With all of the events and horrific tragedies that have happened in our country this past year, we will need to be more diligent than ever about keeping our Second Amendment rights.
God bless you all, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone,
Tom Hamilton
President, A.C.S.C.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Anderson Creek Sportsmen
Meeting Minutes
December 8, 2012

Meeting was called to order by President Tom Hamilton at 7:35 PM.

There were no minutes read at the meeting because the secretary, Randy Mitchell, was helping his neighbor track down a wounded deer.  They did find it.  Randy will have to sing the national anthem at January's meeting for missing the one in December.

Treasurer's report:  
Treasurer George McCoy read the December financial statement and the bills to be paid. A motion was made by Bob McClure and a second by Mike Solida to pay the bills. The motion passed.

Match reports:  
Brian Allen said there were 9 shooters at the last IBS match.  Winners were: Jeff Gates in the unlimited class and Tom Hamilton in the factory class.  Tom Hamilton told the membership that he received some phone calls after the match informing him that they thought the IBS match went exceptionally well. Good job, Brian.

The 400-yard match shot a total of 37 targets.  The winners were:  .30 Class, Jeff Gates - Unlimited Class, Jeff Gates - .22 Class, Tom Hamilton - Sniper Class, Ron Bailey Sr.  

Starting next year, the 400-yard matches will have a new format.  The deer and round targets will be a 2-target combined score and the Sniper target will a 4-target combined score match. It was noted that there were a total of 7 perfect scores shot this season, more than all the other years combined,

Old business:  
After a good discussion about property damage and people driving into the club that are not members, it was decided that the combination of the locks will be changed every January instead of going to a key lock. A letter was sent to Dave Shoff, owner of the camp behind our property, of our intentions so he won't cut the gate lock off as he has done in the past.  This should help take care of some of the problems we are having on club property.  

Members are reminded that the points calender will be taken down on January 1st. and no points will be accepted after that day.  

Grice's sale is on 1-26/27 and we still need volunteers for Saturday to work our table.
Any member that has a candidate on the list needs to write in the candidate's address so they can be contacted about membership.

New business:  
Tom Hamilton reported that a reloading press has been installed in the shooting room.  Members may now bring dies and components to load as they shoot when testing a new firearm or for accuracy loads.  

The sign out front is starting to rot and needs replaced.  Member Andy Chimenti will talk to the shop teacher at his school about building a replacement.  

Roy Mahlon was unanimously voted to the list of life members.  Congratulations, Roy. We now have 2 openings for new members.  The next 2 on the list are Derek Hoyt and Kevin Orndorf.

Election of officers:  
President - Tom Hamilton
Vice President - Mike Solida
Treasurer - George McCoy
Secretary - Randy Mitchell
Board of Directors - Dave McNeel  

There will be a meeting of the match directors on 1/6/13 at 2 PM to discuss any changes and to present the 2013 schedules.

The door prize was won by Wayne Hicks.  

The meeting was adjourned by a Breck Neeper motion and seconded by Dave McNeel.  

Club note:  First Lady Karen Hamilton sent several plates of Christmas cookies to the club to be placed out for the membership to enjoy during the meeting. 

Respectfully submitted by Tom Hamilton, President.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Our leader bags 9-point buck

With the help of my son-in-law, Andy, who did the deer drive and the deer dragging, I got this 9-point near my camp at noon today.

The old fellow has 2 broken tines and measured a 17" spread.  He was definitely not the Alpha male out there, but we will try to get the "Big One" next Saturday.  

The only thing that would have made it better, was having my son and all 3 grandsons there.

- Tom