Friday, March 23, 2012

Pond water quality is excellent

Just got the lab report on our club pond, and the water is better than most trout streams in PA. With the sighting of many fish, frogs and tadpoles in the pond and the excellent water quality report, we will start the planning stages of the "Kids Fish for Fun Derby".

- Tom

Monday, March 19, 2012

Notes from The President

- Here is a photo of a large Wiper fish that Matt and Gunner caught in the Republican River in Kansas over the weekend.

- I would like to ask our members to keep Captain Hamilton, and his family, in their thoughts and prayers as he is being deployed to Afghanistan at the end of the month.

- Andy Shaffer and his wife were kayaking on the club pond Sunday and they saw hundreds of fish, tadpoles and frogs. The club is planning on having a "kids fishing derby" in June or July and we will need help. If any member wants to help, donate fishing items, food or drinks, or has any ideas to help make it a fun time for the kids, please contact me at 236-3828.


- Tom Hamilton

Monday, March 12, 2012

Work party completes cutting and trimming near the pond

The job of cutting and trimming the trees and brush at the club's pond is done and it looks great! I want to thank Walt Kuzemchock, Jeremy, Audrey and Caleb Smith, Dave McNeel, Bud Thomas, Steve Bertsel, Brian Brubaker, Tom Noble and Carl Huss for a job well done.

- Tom Hamilton
Club Dues and points must be paid for by April or you will be removed from the club. Contact George McCoy if you have any questions about the points you have accumulated for the year.

Jerry Witherow is 2011 Man of the Year

The board of directors selected Jerry Witherow as man of the year.

Congratulations, Jerry!

We appreciate all your hard work on behalf of the club.
Anderson Creek Sportsmen
March 10, 2012
Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Tom Hamilton at 7:30 p.m. on March 10th, 2012

The February minutes were presented by Randy Mitchell and were approved on a motion by Walt Kuzemchock and a second by Bob Huston. The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Tom Noble and a second by Shannon McKee.

 Old Business
Shannon McKee picked up and delivered the corn for the deer feeder. The 2/12/12 work party trimmed a lot of the brush around the pond in bad weather and it looks pretty good. There will be a work party on 3/11/12 to trim more brush around the pond. If you have a saw, pruner or ax, bring it along, if not come with a pair of leather gloves, most of the trees have thorns in them.

Plans were discussed to rebuild the front of the camp before it is to far gone to repair. Tom Hamilton suggested we get a dumpster during the rebuild and have a work party to clean up all of the junk that is in the attic.

Andy Shaffer found railroad ties for $10.75 per tie delivered to use to rebuild the backstops from Brotsky’s in Brockway. Roger Thomas made a motion to purchase 15-20 of the ties and the motion passed on a Bud Thomas second. Marty Hrin volunteered to supply a post hole digger to dig holes for telephone poles to rebuild the backstop.

New Business
There have been changes made to the small games of chance licenses. The president and the secretary are now required to get background checks, and the limit for the smaller license has been raised from 500$ to $1,000. Walt Kuzemchock made a motion to have our raffle drawing in November so we can have tickets available for our matches throughout the year. The motion passed on a Breck Neeper second and Walt will coordinate the prizes with Grice’s and order the tickets.

Randy Mitchell made a motion that we also have another member’s only drawing, the motion passed on a Joe Mitchell second.

Ed Spencer made a motion to supply Andy Shaffer with $200 for farm supplies. The motion passed on a Bob McClure second.

Paul Gray and Scott Hemminger were presented for admission to the club. Steve Strouse made a motion that they both be admitted and the motion passed on a Joel Dutra second.

The board of directors selected Jerry Witherow as man of the year.

Roger Thomas won the 50/50 drawing .

Mike Solida made a motion to adjourn and Shannon McKee seconded the motion.

Club Dues and points must be paid for by April or you will be removed from the club. Contact George McCoy if you have any questions about the points you have accumulated for the year.

Respectfully submitted by Randy Mitchell,  Secretary.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Work party set for Sunday, March 11

There will be a work party on Sunday, March 11th, at 2PM to continue clearing brush and trees around the pond. 

If you have a chainsaw, hand saw or any other tool to cut trees and brush, bring them along for double points.

