Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A proud moment in the Jeremy Smith household!

Attached is a picture of my son Caleb’s first buck. He’s 10 years old and shot the 6 point at about 3pm on the first day with a T/C Contender in 22 hornet. It’s a toss-up who was more excited, he or I. The shot placement was great. and the deer ran less than 30 yards before piling up.

On a side note, I’ve also attached a picture of my daughter Audrey shooting the S&W .22 pistol she won through the Anderson Creek gun raffle last spring. You won’t want to mess with her!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Club members Tom Hamilton and Bob Huston win 400-yard matches

Here are the results of  the 400-yard bulls eye match held November 13 at the club range.

Conditions were very good for shooting.  We had our 3rd perfect score of the year. Club members Tom Hamilton and Bob Huston closed out the year with wins.

Joe Reffner from Juniata Valley shot a perfect 50/50 in the very first relay. Forty targets were shot today.

22 Class:
1. Tom Hamilton of Curwensville 46/50
2. Jeff Gates of Altoona 45/50
3. Tie 44/50
Jeff Gates
Tom Hamilton

.30 Class:
1. Joe Reffner of Juniata Valley 50/50
2. Joe Reffner 49/50
3. Dan Wise of Marstellar 48/50

Unlimited Class:
1. Bob Huston of DuBois 49/50
2. Tie 48/50
Jeff Gates
Mike Solida of DuBois
Anderson Creek Sportsmen
November 12, 2011
Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Jeremy Smith at 7:30 p.m. on November 12th, 2011.

The October minutes were presented by Randy Mitchell and were approved on a motion by Joel Dutra and a second by Marty Hrin. The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Don O’Dell and a second by Tom Noble.

Old Business
The gun raffle tickets for the coming year were distributed to the member. Any member who did not receive tickets to sell can get tickets from Joel Dutra, Randy Mitchell or George McCoy.

The remodeling supplies have been delivered and the installation of the new windows will start tomorrow.

The tickets for the members only drawing are available from Walt Kuzemchock. This year’s members only prize is a Remington 700 LSS in any of 7 calibers.

The trap thrower has been removed from the trap house and stored in the clubhouse for the winter
New Business
Marty Hrin made a motion to have Randy Mitchell purchase more fuel oil for the furnace for the winter.

The water for the clubhouse needs to be shut off and drained for the winter. Jeremy Smith will contact Scott Brubaker to arrange to have this done.

Members are reminded to get raffle tickets and sell them to benefit the club.

George McCoy won the 50/50 drawing.

Charles Bungo made a motion to adjourn and Roger Thomas seconded the motion.

Respectfully submitted by Randy Mitchell, Secretary.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Anderson Creek Sportsmen
October 8, 2011
Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order by Jeremy Smith at 7:30 p.m. on October 8th, 2011

The August minutes were presented by Jeremy Smith and were approved on a motion by Joel Dutra and a second by Tom Noble. The treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Marty Hrin and a second by Joel Dutra.

Old Business
It was reported that the Chukar Hunt had miserable weather, it was a fun day and money was made.

Report on pheasant hunt, thanks for the dogs and handlers,  a little warm, kids had fun.

New Business
The trap thrower should be pulled before the next meeting.

The new windows are to be done before winter.

Tom Hamilton won the 50/50 drawing.

Tom Noble made a motion to adjourn and Scott Brubaker seconded the motion.

Respectfully submitted by Randy Mitchell, Secretary